77 Anne Rd, Knoxfield, Vic 3180

How to Pick the Right Remedial Massage Therapist For You

Date Added: 17th October 2022

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Get your life back with Remedial Massage Therapy in Ferntree Gully, Knoxfield, Vermont, Studfield, Melbourne


Finding a good remedial massage therapist is important. You want to find someone who can give you the help and guidance you need, whether they specialise in one area or can help with a variety of issues. Here are some of the key things you need to look for when selecting a good remedial massage therapy service.

Start with a referral

Look for someone with a good reputation.

Ask people you trust if they've heard of the therapist or clinic, or search online reviews to get a sense of what others think about them.

Friends and family are the best critics. When you are looking for references for this service, you should look to your friends and family members. They may have had good or bad experiences with different remedial massage therapists and they will be able to give you honest feedback.

Ask a lot of questions in the first appointment. They don't know if they will work for you until they get to know you.

The first appointment is crucial for the therapist and the client to assess if they will have a good working relationship.

The therapist should ask a lot of questions to get to know you as their client and your needs.

This way, they can figure out how best to help you.

Your first appointment with your remedial massage therapist sets the tone for the relationship and determines how much information you can get from the therapist.

The first question should be are they qualified,. If they are qualified, then you could ask about their education, training, and certification.

You will also want to know about their insurance coverage and what type of massage therapy services they offer (e.g., Swedish, deep tissue).

In addition, it's important for you to be honest with yourself and not try to fake what you want because this will waste both your time and money.

If you have more than one massage therapist, the right one is the one who wants you to see a specialist instead of sticking with them when they think someone else could do better.

Massage therapists are not just there to make you feel better. They are there to help you achieve your health goals, and they will do it in the best way possible.

So how do you know when it's time to find a new therapist? You should look for someone who is willing to refer you when necessary.

A good remedial massage therapist will recommend other specialists to you if they notice that your condition is not improving.

They are skilled and experienced enough to know when it is time for you to see a doctor or try another form of treatment.

If your therapist is not willing to refer you, then it's time for a change.

Remember that you are in control. You can ask your therapist to focus on a part of your body or use a specific technique if it's not working for you.

It is important to be careful when selecting a remedial massage therapist. You want someone who is going to work with you and your needs, not just the needs of their business.

When looking for a therapist, it is helpful to ask what techniques they specialise in. This will help you find the right person for you. The following are examples of techniques that some remedial massage therapists might use:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Dry needling therapy
  • Myofascial release
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Joint mobilisation
  • Manual lymphatic drainage.

Don't be afraid to ask about the massage therapy, like why your therapist uses so much oil or what those stones do when I put them on my back.

I know this might sound a little weird, but don't be afraid to ask about any weird parts of massage therapy. I mean, why does your therapist use so much oil, or what do those stones do when they put them on your back?

If you're not sure what to ask, it's okay—just start with something simple like "What do you use for massages?" or "Why do you use so much oil?"

You'll find that your remedial massage therapist will be happy to answer your questions and you'll have a better understanding of how they work.

You and your therapist work as a team to help you have the best experience possible, so if there's something your remedial massage therapist is doing that doesn't feel right or seems a little weird, just let him/her know—you can work it out together!


It takes some time and effort to find the right person to help with your massage therapy needs, but it can be worth it!

Give us a call today on (03) 9763 0033 and let's talk about your specific needs. Remember, massage is not just for relaxation!

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MON - SAT: 9.30 - 5pm

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(03) 9763 0033